Link MC5 or MC5 A/S Terminal
LinkLink MC5 and MC5 A/S Data Termial (Keyboard Sold Separately).
The differance between the MC5 and MC5 A/S. *MC5 A/S = Auto Sensing Power Supply 110/220v switching.
[ Description ]
The Link MC5 is the most advanced "multiple concept" display terminal and has some very visible differences. It offers high performance, plus ergonomics that are easy on the eyes. At a price that's very easy on the budget. The Link MC5's improved features includes a flat profile screen to reduce glare, overscanned video to eliminate distracting dark borders, extra fast 78 Hz refresh rate to eliminate screen flicker, contrast and brightness controls located on the front panel for easy access: Ergonomics with a clear difference.
The MC5 also emulates ASCII (Wyse, TeleVideo, Zentec/ADM and ADDS); ANSI (DEC VT220/VT100/VT52); and PCTerm. The MC5 has interchangeable keyboards, a parallel printer port, and lets you communicate with any two hosts. Designed to keep functionality at its highest, and your overall system costs at their lowest. The Link MC5. Carrying on the tradition of high quality and flawless performance that you've come to expect from Link terminals. Value that's a step ahead of the competition. At a price that's a step below.
[ Features ]
* ASCII, ANSI, PCTerm, SCO Console.
* Virtual terminals – communicates with two different hosts.
* Interchangeable keyboards (EPC, ANSI, ASCII).
* Two serial ports and a PC-compatible parallel printer port.
* 78 Hz refresh.
* External brightness and contrast controls.
* Flat screen.
* Green, amber, or white screen color with full overscan.
* 24-, 25-, or 43-line display.
* 80 or 132 columns.
* 512 displayable characters.
* Designed for use with a wide range of multiuser systems, including PC
MOS, Alloy, UNIX/XENIX, PICK, Concurrent DOS and THEOS.
[ Warranty ]
"Refurb" = Refurbished - 60 Day Warranty
- ASCII (16 Function keys)
- Enhanced PC (12 Function keys)
- ANSI (20 Function keys)
-Main Port: RS-232C up to 115.2 Kbps
-Aux Port: RS-232 (Optional RS-422) up to 115.2 Kbps
-Parallel Port: IBM PC-Compatible
- MC5 = 110v/120v only
- MC5 A/S = Auto-sensing 120 to 240 VAC + 10%, 47 to 63 Hz.
[ Part Numbers ]
MC5 A/S (Green) 901012-01.
MC5 A/S (White) 901012-03.
MC5 A/S (Amber) 901012-05.
Old Part Numbers:
MC5 A/S (Green): 08-102-800-007.
MC5 A/S (White): 08-102-800-011.
MC5 A/S (Amber): 08-102-800-012.
MC5 (Green): 08-102-800-00G.
MC5 (White): 08-102-800-00W.
MC5 (Amber): 08-102-800-00A.