WY-55 Specifications
WY-55 and WY-55ES Display Terminal The WY-55 and WY-55ES multi-personality general purpose display terminals provide users with a rich feature set, reliable design and affordable price, further enhancing Wyse's leadership in ASCII/ANSI/PCTerm terminals. In addition, the complete WY-50 compatibility makes the WY-55 and WY-55ES the perfect successors for the WY-50. KEY FEATURES • ASClI/ANSI/PCTerm/UNlX Console personalities • Fully compatible with the WY-50 • WY-60 Native mode • Up to 80 Hz flicker-free refresh rate with overscan • Two serial ports, up to 115.2 Kbaud • Superb text display quality and video focus • Multiple display formats • Choice of ASCII, ANSI, EPC, or IEPC keyboards • Meets the world-class ergonomic and safety standards • Rest Timer •EPA Energy Star compliant MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES Wyse designed the WY-55 and WY-55ES to work in a broad spectrum of environments with almost any computer system. Users may select any of the most popular ASCII emulations (including the fully compat- ible WY-50 mode), ANSI (such as VT-220), PCTerm and UNIX Console. This great mix of personalities can handle traditional mini-computer and mainframe environments as well as multi-user PCs. GREAT ERGONOMICS State-of-the-art technology and design make the WY-55 and WY-55ES exceptionally user-friendly. Choose a green, amber or paper-white 14-inch flat screen. The extra-fast 80 Hz refresh rate delivers a flicker-free dynamic-focused display image. High-resolution character cells offer clear and crisp text. Overscan, borderless full-screen video further enhances viewing comfort. High-quality keyboards with the unique Wyse -touch and feel- are still the industry's all-time favorite. Further, a built-in -Rest Timer- can remind users to do what its name suggests. The streamlined and stylish housing offers front-mount brightness, contrast and power controls, a tilt and swivel base, plus a firmware access door for easy feature upgrades. LOW-EMISSIONS For low emissions, the WY-55ES is the terminal of choice. It conforms to guidelines for electrostatic, very low, and extremely low-frequency electro- magnetic emissions recommended in the Swedish MPR 1990:10 publication (MPR II). SIMPLY THE BEST From a broad range of personalities and world-class ergonomics to affordable price, Wyse offers it all in one stylish package. Always expect the best from Wyse. It's one more reason Wyse is the world's leading supplier of general purpose terminals.
DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS-----------------------lTechnologyCPU: 14.746 MHz 8032 microcontrollerMEMORY: 24KB high-speed static CMOS RAM (includes two 8KB lithium battery-backed RAMs)VIDEO: Up to 7 pages of display memoryVIDEO PROCESSOR:Wyse Proprietary ASIClPowerLINE VOLTAGE:120-230 VACLINE FREQUENCY:50/60 HzPOWER CONSUMPTION:45 WattsFUSE:2 A, 250 V, slow blowINPUT VOLTAGE RANGE:120-230 VAC, Autosensing: 90-264 VoltsINPUT FREQUENCY RANGE:47-63 HzlDisplay FeaturesMONITOR SIZE: 14-in diagonal, flat, non-glare CRTIMAGE SIZE: Horizontal Image 237 mm ± 4.0 mm(9.243 in ± 0.156 in)Vertical Image 70 Hz Mode: 186 mm ± 4.0 mm(7.254 in ± 0.156 in)80 Hz Mode: 177 mm ± 4.0 mm(6.903 in ± 0.156 in)COLORS: P-31(G), P-134(A), P-188(W) phosphorsRESOLUTION:Vertical HorizontalMode Frequency Frequency(Font Size) H V (Hz) (kHz) Lines Columns1 (10x15) 800 390 70 31.38 26 802 (10x16) 800 416 70 31.38 26 803 (10x13) 800 338 80 31.38 26 804 (10x9) 800 396 70 31.38 44 805 (9x15) 1188 390 70 31.38 26 1326 (9x16) 1188 416 70 31.38 26 1327 (9x13) 1188 338 80 31.38 26 1328 (9x9) 1188 396 70 31.38 44 132lAlphaNumeric FeaturesPERSONALITIES:WY-50, WY-50+, WY-60, WY-120/120+, WY-150/150+, http://www.wyse.com/service/support/kbase/Specs1.asp?Q=6 (2 of 5)3/22/2006 5:44:27 AM
Wyse Technology - Customer Service Knowledge Base (Wyse Terminals Specifications)Televideo TVI-905/910+/925, ADDS Viewpoint A2, Hazeltine1500, DEC VT-52,VT-100, VT-220; PCTerm; UNIX ConsoleCHARACTER:26/44 lines by 80/132 columns26 lines: 10x13, 10x15, or 10x16 in 80 columns,9x13, 9x15, or 9x16 in 132 columns44 lines: 10x9 in 80 columns; 9x9 in 132 columnsFonts: Simultaneously program and display 512 unique characters and symbolsATTRIBUTES:All combinations of reverse, underline, blink; choice of double-high and/or double-wide per lineINTENSITIES:Normal, dim, bold, blank (invisible)CURSOR:Block or underline; blink, steady or offREFRESH: 70-80Hz, flicker-free, non-interlacedlKeyboardDESIGN:Low-profile with two-position tilt; detached with 5-foot(1.5 meter) coiled cableLAYOUTS:Wyse ASCII (101 keys), Wyse ANSI (105 keys), Enhanced PC (102 keys) and International Enhanced PC (103 keys)FUNCTION KEYS:Up to 16 dedicated F-Keys; Up to 66 programmable key- functionsOPTIONS:Localization kit Languages vary by keyboardslPhysical CharacteristicsHEIGHT:324 mm (12.636 in)WIDTH:320 mm (12.48 in)DEPTH:302 mm (11.778 in)NET WEIGHT:7.0 kg (15.432 lb)WEIGHT (TERMINAL AND KEYBOARD):23 Ibs (10.400 kg)lEnvironmentalOPERATING TEMPERATURE:+10° to +40°C (+50° to +104°F)STORAGE TEMPERATURE:-40° to +60°C (-40° to +140°F)OPERATING ALTITUDE:0 to 3,049 meters (0 to 10,000 feet)NONOPERATING ALTITUDE:0 to 12,195 meters (0 to 40,000 feet)HUMIDITY:20% to 80% noncondensinglVideo ElectricalCENTERING:http://www.wyse.com/service/support/kbase/Specs1.asp?Q=6 (3 of 5)3/22/2006 5:44:27 AM
Wyse Technology - Customer Service Knowledge Base (Wyse Terminals Specifications)Horizontal 4.0 mm (0.156 in) maximumVertical 4.0 mm (0.156 in) maximumPINCUSHION:2.5 mm (0.097 in) maximumTILT:1.40 mm (0.054 in)BRIGHTNESS (MAXIMUM):White 45 fL (+7 -3)Green 70 fL (+7 -3)Amber 32 fL (+7 -3)Raster 1 fL ± 0.5 fLLINEARITY:Horizontal 10%Vertical 10%WAVE AND JITTER:± 1 pixellRegulatorySAFETY:UL 1950 listedCSA 950 certifiedTUV-GS approvedIEC 950 and EN60950 approvedDHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J X-radiationEMI:FCC CFR Part 15, Class AVDE 0871 Level B Radio Protection MarkEN55022 (CISPR 22) Class ALOW EMISSIONS:Meets the Swedish MPR 1990:10 (SWEDAC) guidelines forelectrostatic, very low, and extremely low frequency magnetic and electric field (ES version only).ERGONOMICS:Complies with German Standards - ZH1/618 and ISO 9241CE MARK:89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EECEN55082-1, IEC801-2, IEC801-3, IEC801-4, EN60555-2EN60950, EN55022-B (WY-55 AND WY-55ES)lModels/Part NumbersNORTH AMERICA:WY-55, green 901237-01WY-55, white 901237-04WY-55, amber 901237-07WY-55ES, white only 901237-20(replaces 901237-10)INTERNATIONAL:WY-55, green 901237-01(replaces 901237-02)WY-55, white 901237-04(replaces 901237-05)WY-55, amber 901237-07(replaces 901237-08)WY-55ES, white only 901237-20(replaces 901237-08)lCommunications/PortsMODES:Full/halfduplex, block, half duplex block, http://www.wyse.com/service/support/kbase/Specs1.asp?Q=6 (4 of 5)3/22/2006 5:44:27 AM
Wyse Technology - Customer Service Knowledge Base (Wyse Terminals Specifications)monitor, localMODEM AND AUX PORT:Asynchronous EIA RS-232 serial, female DB-25 connector;up to 115.2 KbaudTHIRD PORT: (-ES ONLY):Centronics compatible parallel printer port